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Reply to "need help transference"

Hello everyone...I would like to say "Good Luck" to you, I think writing a letter is a good idea. I feel like I have a Master's degree in being rejected by their T!! Talk about devastating...It bout killed me Confused...but I have since written him a letter, and it has helped me tremendously...get my thoughts out in the open...But I'm not sure what he will think about it...I have often wondered how it would be different if I had not told him how I felt...Truthfully I believe way down deep inside...he felt the same way about he no longer sees me for both our own good!!...I guess that was a good move on his part...But I still Love him!!!...but being here on this forum is the best thing you can do...AG and JM have some great things to share...(I think they are really T'S in disguiseCool) Trust them...they will help to you all later, Charlotte