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Reply to "need support"

Emerald- I'm sorry to hear your anxiety is getting harder to manage. I know this all must feel very overwhelming to you, but I encourage you not to run although you really want to (I know the power of that flight reflex!). Focus on the six months you do have... maybe make some goals you'd like to accomplish in the next six months with your t.

What does your t say about her leaving? Are you going to keep seeing (over the next 6 months) the pdoc that is taking over for your t? It might help with the transition if you do.

I know it's little consolation but I want to remind you that part of therapy for most of us entails creating a good ending... most of us haven't experienced that before. I know for me, it's very difficult to think of. I don't want to be without my t... ever... but I know that part of her job is to teach me how to/ know when to end something.

Keep writing and talking