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Never Really New What a Rupture Was...

I never thought I knew what a rupture was that people have talked about, but I think I had one today. I haven't been feeling the best since last week, due to another intense EMDR session. My week had been full of crying and high anxiety, shame and worthlessness.

I shared this with T today and we did another EMDR session. I took medication prior to going, which he doesn't really like me to do because he says it blocks receptors and not all information gets processed, then we end up having to go back and get what was missed at some time.

So, today, instead of having high anxiety, I actually became sad and couldn't stop crying again--which I don't normally do in front of him. He offered many modifications like going to safe place, tapping, titrating the session, putting my hand up to stop if it got too intense, etc. All of a suddent, I voiced that I was done. He was like, "Done with EMDR or done with therapy?" I said I was done with it all. It's just that I felt that I had been at this for so many years and nothing was working. I told him I have done everything everyone has ever asked of me, therapists, pdocs, taking medication, GP's, etc. and nothing seems to work. I have even processed all of the information from my sessions, due to the fact that I started a memoir 6 years ago, which was initially based upon the death of my first therapist, then my second therapist, and now, was supposed to end with my third (and final) therapist. All of that writing, all 600 pages in my computer, seem like a waste of time now...because I can't see any "happy" ending.

Now, I told the best therapist that I have ever had, that I was done with all of this. Of course, he discussed the possibility of me being suicidal and giving him a verbal contract and all. That didn't matter to me, either. He basically said that he can't control what I do and that I know where he lives--if I need to contact him in the future.

I'm the kind of patient that arrives on time, never misses an appointment, is aware of not running over for fear they will be running late for their next client, pays on time, and now...I'm a quitter.

Just wondered if anyone else has ever felt this way. It's not his fault, don't blame it on him. He has done nothing besides be there to support me and help me work through my PTSD. Something in me has shifted and I can't get a handle on it. I'm so sad right now.

Thanks for reading, if you made it this far.

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