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Reply to "Never Really New What a Rupture Was..."

Well, the session is over and it went very well. He started off my telling me that it was time to take the 90 day questionaire, which is a 30 question survey as to how you have been feeling within the last week. When we got to the third quesiton, I told him, "I don't think this is a good week to be doing this." He reassured me that it's just gives him an idea of where am presently functioning. Afterwards, he came and sat down and asked if I wanted to talk about last week.

I apologized up front for my actions. He said I didn't have to apologize, but I said I wanted to, and he said, "Okay," and let me. I told him what I thought led up to my actions of last week. When I was finished, he said, "I have learned that rupture is a part of every relationship...and this is a relationship. And the goal is to repair. And hopefully, we can work through this and repair it and get back on track." He tried to tell me he wasn't perfect and he makes mistakes because he's human, but I told him he didn't make any mistakes.. That it was me. He said he didn't think that there was anything, from his perspective, that was insurmountable, so, he was glad I was back. Needless to say, my anxiety level at that point dropped a little bit. Then we continued the session doing some parts work.

I do want to thank all of you who replied or even read my post. I'm not a person who enjoys drama...I definately avoid conflict and my actions really affected me. Thanks for being here.
