Thanks for sharing that, another incredible story. So sorry you went thru that. I hope you came thru it ok.
Yes i am considering just what you said -- trying to find a male T to work with for a little while. But finding a therapist who is a good fit is not easy. My current T referred me to a male T while she was on holiday/vacation and he was nice guy with some good insights, but wanted to talk instead of listen and I wasted an hour of my time listening to his goddam stories.
Whatver the case i do not want to bail out on my current T just yet, as i think she is a potentially powerful ally if i can get thru this infatuation without coming apart.
I have been to 4-5 other Ts and i felt virtually nothing with them. With the current T i feel more alive. I think she is quite special but the idealization thing is dangerous and i have to remind myself to stay grounded.