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Reply to "new member/erotic transference/stop or go on"

Originally posted by Affinity:
It's ok to enjoy and cherish the connection. It can be very life-giving. But the purpose of therapy is to develop the skills and desire to recreate that experience with loved ones outside of therapy. As in AG's case, my marriage has improved significantly since I started working with my T. Therapy is a very intense experience, so it feels like once in a lifetime. But really, it's just the beginning.

I think we are saying mostly the same thing. Yea, obviously the point of therapy is to work on connecting in a controlled setting so that u can do it better on the outside. My point is that a lot of what i read and hear seems excessively focused around labeling and defining feelings, and around a process where everything is a stepping stone to some future salvation, so just trying to remember that if i feel a deep connection in the moment (even if it is contrived in a way) it doesn't have to always mean anything more than that and just appreciate it. Kinda rambling, sorry…

I hear u about once in a lifetime, but i am talking about the person not the experience. I don't think therapy attachment and actual chemistry are mutually exclusive. And despite what the websites and blogs say, patients/clients can sometimes have insights into their own feelings and can separate the two. Let's not forget that individual people are just that. Hope i don't sound too defensive...
