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Reply to "new member/erotic transference/stop or go on"

Originally posted by PassionFruit:
I agree with what you said above. We try to label every interaction something clinical as if we could diagram what is happening on a blackboard, which we could do with a lot of my sessions. But I agree that a deep connection between two human beings can be just that and healing in itself, minus all the psychobabble.

Hi PassionFruit,

Thanks, great post. I agree very supportive and active community.

And what you say above is right on. If it gets too clinical, i turn off.

Yes clearly the boundaries are crucial. For me the struggle is that the boundaries are wholly unnatural and artificial. Therapy is not part of the natural order of things. The boundaries are in direct opposition, in some situations, to the normal flow and evolution of human emotion. Not saying you abandon the boundaries and do something foolish, rather that if it feels this unnatural and frustrating, then yes perhaps it is time to move on. And if so, i'll be more inclined to think of therapy as fundamentally flawed. Trying to remember also that there are other ways to heal besides conventional talk therapy.
