I honestly only know her name, her qualification, where she works. I have ZERO idea if she is married, has kids, a partner, is a devout Christian, an atheist, ANYTHING. Oh - I know what care she drives also.
Other than that - nothing.
It's not every Ts style - but by being the 'blank state' has major advantages in therapy. It means if / when I project, I come up with what is in ME; it isn't 'contaminated' by the fact she is a parent or married or single or into fine needle craft.
And the perils of too much disclosure is almost endless.
I hope you talk to her honestly and I do encourage you to find a second T to go though this with - someone impartial and someone who can GUIDE YOU, because I think it's all too easy for us to give you advice and encouragement and even easier for you to ignore it.