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newbie needing help please

The problem i have with my therapist is that she doesn't have any boundaries at all. this may sound good to some people but it can get very confusing and its not doing me any good.

She takes me out, hugs me, tells me im special and i can call her any-time i want.....but on the odd occasion she will remind me in certain terms that shes just my therapist, very confusing. She sucks me in then spits me out.

Ive been seeing her for many years, i suppose im addicted to her and what she gives me but its not doing me any good, i am so much worse than when i started with her and i also trust people even less now.

I understand i have issues, because of my childhood but she blames all the problems that we have between us on to this.

She takes my anger very personally and she cant understand why im angry with her but not the people that hurt me, i tell her that its not personal, its the world that im angry with. I think she has understood what i mean but she brings it up again the next time i get annoyed with her.

I sometimes think that she needs me and what i give her. She is nicer to me if im having a bad time but if life is a bit better for me then she tells me that i dont need her any-more, which then reverts me back to my old ways because for some reason i need her.

I dont know if its just me that is completely screwed or its people screwing me up.
Has anybody else been in a similar situation, i would love to know how you dealt with it.
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