Well done backing off a bit - a 6 week break is a great start. She sounds very intense... almost like she needs you to need her? Sometimes people get into the therapy business to meet their own needs and end up not focused and attuned to their clients needs. We are very very vulnerable to such dynamics when we haven't had our needs met as children - but in the long run, you can see it isn't what will help you get your life running better.
On the other hand very very strict boundaries may also not be what will help. You need someone that can appropriately meet your needs, be available to a certain extent and that you feel comfortable with. Also you need someone you can afford - cos that worry just grows.

Perhaps you can tell the 1st T you need a break and you will text her once a week and that you would be happy for her to reply to that? If she reacts badly... as painful as that might be, it would be a sign that your needs are not her first concern.
Thinking of you