It has been myexperience that all my T subsequent to the relationship I had with the T I mentioned to you in my initial response have believed me and have actually apologized on behalf of the ethics of their profession being breached and a client being harmed. Not everything is about transference or about our past. Some things are FACTS and if the FACTS are that this T actually seeks you out in between sessions and encourages communication or initiates communication between sessions I completely think it is damaging. I know for me as a client in therapy, I have to learn how not to be dependent on my therapist and I want to learn to and have to learn for my own development to make it through without her direct assistance. I actually feel scared for you Blue and that is my own stuff. I hope you can just try to talk to another professional about it. I don't think your T's intentions are in any way bad, but what is happening is making you feel uncomfortable.... which is good, because you acknowledge your boundaries. And boundaries are good and necessary!
Reply to "newbie needing help please"
It has been myexperience that all my T subsequent to the relationship I had with the T I mentioned to you in my initial response have believed me and have actually apologized on behalf of the ethics of their profession being breached and a client being harmed. Not everything is about transference or about our past. Some things are FACTS and if the FACTS are that this T actually seeks you out in between sessions and encourages communication or initiates communication between sessions I completely think it is damaging. I know for me as a client in therapy, I have to learn how not to be dependent on my therapist and I want to learn to and have to learn for my own development to make it through without her direct assistance. I actually feel scared for you Blue and that is my own stuff. I hope you can just try to talk to another professional about it. I don't think your T's intentions are in any way bad, but what is happening is making you feel uncomfortable.... which is good, because you acknowledge your boundaries. And boundaries are good and necessary!
It has been myexperience that all my T subsequent to the relationship I had with the T I mentioned to you in my initial response have believed me and have actually apologized on behalf of the ethics of their profession being breached and a client being harmed. Not everything is about transference or about our past. Some things are FACTS and if the FACTS are that this T actually seeks you out in between sessions and encourages communication or initiates communication between sessions I completely think it is damaging. I know for me as a client in therapy, I have to learn how not to be dependent on my therapist and I want to learn to and have to learn for my own development to make it through without her direct assistance. I actually feel scared for you Blue and that is my own stuff. I hope you can just try to talk to another professional about it. I don't think your T's intentions are in any way bad, but what is happening is making you feel uncomfortable.... which is good, because you acknowledge your boundaries. And boundaries are good and necessary!