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Reply to "newbie needing help please"

Originally posted by sapphire-blue:
She is meant to be concerned about your feelings... not the other way around Frowner I'm sorry she got upset, but you didn't do anything wrong blue.

Hope you can manage not to get sucked back into this dynamic with her.


Wow. She sounds so incredibly like my NARCISSISTIC mother - Can you see how she immediately turned the entire situation around so that SHE is the victim???

Honestly - google narcissistic mothers and you will likely very much relate to what she is doing and has done.

You are so incredibly brave and courageous to go see her and tell her exactly how you felt. I can't admire you enough for this - god, you're so much more together and mentally and emotionally balanced in this than she is - but a long shot.

Clearly she has major issues and has not worked through them at all.

She should not be practising, period. She's a danger to her clients - she really is.

BLUE - y have done absolutely NOTHING WRONG here. She has manipulated an exploited you - when you're at your most vulnerable. that you've managed to see the situation for want it really is, AND take the incredibly difficult steps to leave - let alone confront her - is just proof oh how STEONG you are - Really, truly.

That you are feeling it's your fault and you did wrong is BECAUSE if HER manipulation. Your feeling bad is a warning sign of HER wrong doing, NOT anything to do with YOU doing anything wrong at all .

Think of the feelings of shame, guilt, fear, worry that she is hurting, not as 'sow thing wrong with YOU' but merely a redflag TO you that she crossed some serious boundaries and you ended to GET AWAY from her manipulating ways.

Yr feelings are not proof of you being wrong - but symptoms of the damage she's done to you

Safe hugs if ok

Ps - if at some point you can, I think putting in an official complaint with her professional body would ensure she does not do this to anyone else / and make her realise SHE IS WRONG.