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Reply to "Not sure where to start ..."

Hey holly,

Good on you for making the decision to start working on these issues. I don't get angry very often. I told my T the other day about something that had made me absolutely furious and she did the whole "how did that make you feel?" (yeah such a cliche) and I said angry. She told me anger is really a mask for hurt. Do you think that is true for you too? Because it certainly is for me.

Soooo great you had a breakthrough and that your P recognises that too! It is hard to take responsibility. Your mother did/didn't do things which have impacted on your life NOW. But I guess you can work on it so it won't continue to impact in the future.

It already sounds like you are really trying to participate more. Do you journal? Maybe you can try writing about how you feel and then sharing parts (not all) of that with your P? I participate more when I'm pushed (gently) so you could ask your P to be more direct with her questions too if you think that would help?

If you find you are struggling with left-over anger after a session, try practical ways of releasing it like exercise, digging a hole, screaming in your car while the music is on, anything so you don't take those feelings home with you.

And keep us posted!
