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Reply to "Not sure where to start ..."

I don't currently have a lot of issues with anger, but my T has helped me when I'm angry through a type of therapy that Shrinklady talks about called body psychotherapy. She asks me about the feelings I'm having, and how it shows up in my body. Once I start paying attention to what my body is feeling, there's always an underlying sense of sadness in my chest, and the feelings move into that sadness.

I used to be angry a lot. In fact, my family of origin would be very surprised if they heard me say that I don't have issues with anger. Now, I know that it was a defense mechanism. It's not really me. It's not who I am. It was a cover, a protection for my little girl. I hope you can discover where your anger is coming from, too.

I've always had a hard time journaling, too. Now, I pretend that I'm writing to my therapist. It's amazing how prolific my pen has become!

Wow, you work out 2 1/2 hours a day 5 days a week?! I'd love to see your bod!
