Sorry I didn't write sooner, I've been avoiding all avenues that make me 'think'. How did your session go on Tuesday? I'm interested in knowing what the illumination was and how it went.
Oddly I continued to lose weight after being on the Effexor (I guess because I wasn't so depressed or anxious). It (the weight) started to come back the more and more I started to feel the way I was before the Effexor. So my issues in weight clearly relate to how I deal with my depression and anxiety.

I had my first session today talking about my anger towrds my mother. It's so stupid how everything feels so insignificant to me, yet has so much to do with who I am. I feel like a whiner just talking to the P about it. I feel like I've finished talking about it all after today, but Dr. I (P) said I had just started. I don't even know what to talk about in my next session ..... I suck at Therapy! LOL
Anyway, enough about me. Let me know about your session, I'm interested in hearing about the 'energy work'.
Be well!