quote:Another interesting thing was that right then, I felt the safest with this new P I have felt so far.....I am usually quite fearful in sessions...
This is huge! I'm so happy for you.
quote:I don't really know for sure why such awful feelings emerged. gee. They kind of spoiled the experience.
Several years ago, I was babysitting my mentor's kids.. the first few times I was with them, they were well behaved and sweet and everything. Well, out of the blue one day, the younger one threw this MONSTER fit in front of me. It was the first time she ever did this with me around. Well, her mom (my mentor) looked at me, in the midst of her daughter's screaming, and said "well, I guess she trusts you now." Confused, I asked her to explain and she told me that her daughter must trust/feel safe with me if she is willing to feel negative, real emotions with me.
That experience stuck with me because I realized that we do that too... when we finally can feel anger/harsher emotions with our t/p's, it usually is because we now feel safe with them... maybe BECAUSE you were feeling so safe with your p, you were able to feel the awful feelings? Maybe they didn't spoil the experience but were a result of the experience (just my thoughts, disregard if they don't apply).
How's the anger stuff going? Where did you start with your t?