Is there anyone else that feels like that?
Reply to "positive side of anger"
That is an interesting topic number9. I have always found it rather strange that I have never been angry with the people that did things to me. I was angry and ashamed of myself, but never angry at them. I can get really angry about other trivial things yet never angry at them for altering my very being, which has left me with so much heartache. I've tried to be angry with them, but I can never get there. When my T left me I tried so hard to be angry with her, but I can't - I'm tremendously hurt, but not angry. Logically I think I should be angry with her, and logically I think I even have reason to be angry, but the anger seems to remain suppressed with all my deepest hurts and yet I get angry with the people I love, and I wish I didn't but I do.
Is there anyone else that feels like that?
Is there anyone else that feels like that?