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Reply to "Question about finding a therapy group"

Hi Heather,
As for who should be looking that's a tough one. If your T is strongly urging you to do DBT, I would expect them to at least have some information available for you on groups in your area. However, he might also be giving you this opportunity to see if you are able to take the steps on your own. Years ago, before everything including the kitchen sink was available online, my previous T asked me to get a workbook, I can't remember exactly what it was called, but it was clearly about childhood abuse. I went into the bookshop and had to ask them to order it for me *embarassing* Red Face But i did it. He was almost surprised I did, he wasn't sure I'd be able to. So maybe that's the kind of situation you're in. Maybe you can bite the bullet and make some calls. Can i ask what it is about the phone that scares you? These days if you can get a phone number for someone, hopefully you'd be able to get an email address so maybe that's an option too. Or you can do the research, get the numbers, and maybe your T can call on your behalf during a session? I don't know about where you are located, but here DBT groups are generally run through hospitals i think the outpatient part. So maybe you could contact a few local hospitals to find out? Otherwise I'd try your local mental health organisation or something like that.

Hope some of this is helpful for you
