I have done really well on Wellbutrin for a long time. It was a bit of a bumpy start. The first week or so I was on it I was a total zombie, as in could barely move or think at a level that would not have been tolerable long term. Then I spent the next week or two after that feeling like I had drunk two full pots of coffee every day and like I would vibrate out of my skin. Then it settled down and I got really stable. I like the Wellbutrin because I have a full range of feelings while on it which allowed me to continue to do the work I needed to in therapy. But it also placed a "bottom" under me, I only sink so far. I had struggled with SU ideation on and off and very rarely has that happened since I've been on the Wellbutrin. The only time I really notice that I'm on it now is if I miss a dose. In my experience you should take a lot of care in terms of not interrupting the drug. Due to a script mixup I once abruptly stopped the drug (I'm on 300 mg daily XL) and it was NOT a fun couple of days.
My PA at the psych practice where I go for my meds (15 min appt every three months) is so happy with how I am on the medication and the fact that it's the only drug I'm on, that we've kind of agreed not to mess with it. I have considered trying to ween off it but I have a close sister who has VERY similar physiological reactions who also does well on the drug, but when she's attemtpted to go off it, tends to crash very hard and ends up fighting off a lot of SU thoughts. So at this point, I'm kind of at a a "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" point.

And yes, I do think it helped me with focus and concentration, mainly because it helped alot with emotional regulation so that my feelings weren't constantly derailing my frontal lobe.