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Reply to "Questions about Wellbutrin"

AG and Hopeful:

Thanks so much! Now I can plan ahead.

AG: Yes, I do feel a bit like a zombie, but I just had midterms and now I'm on break. Good timing. I'll allow myself to rest a bit more. Smiler

AG and Hopeful: Gotcha! I can just imagine how I will feel in class. Agitated, twitchy, impatient, distracted, obnoxious. I think I can regulate that with some self-acupuncture and Chinese herbs. And decaf coffee for me...Planning is good!

Hopeful: I don't have too much of a problem with weight as I'm a fairly athletic 5'9" (I have an intimidating look about me as well) but I insisted on avoiding any drugs that would cause weight gain. I'm vain that way. When I'm very depressed my appetite is quite low, but I feel weak and flabby as a result. Do you think that it was the W. alone that contributed to the weight loss, or did you do something different? I am fortunate that I enjoy physical activity so that should help somewhat in terms of the hyperactivity/spaziness that I'm sometimes prone to.

SAD and ADD-like symptoms are a challenge for me lately, but in addition to emotional exhaustion, often I'm mentally and physically exhausted as well. I do know that I have a LOT that I have to accomplish this year and I can't afford to be moving in super-slow motion, which happens when I'm depressed.

You had said that you felt fine until you took the pill each day. That's interesting-

keep me posted?

PS: AG, I noticed you are on 300 mg. I'm starting off at 75, ramping up to 150 mg per day. I'm hoping not to have to stay on it TOO long, although I know it is a bit of a commitment. I want to wean off eventually and get back on the Chinese herbs as I come down, but this is the second time I have gone on W. and I may decide to stay on it. Thanks for the info, it really helps!