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Reply to "Questions about Wellbutrin"

Hey Number9,

I have been on Wellbutrin for about 7 years now and it has helped me immensely. It took about two weeks for me to start feeling better. Also, WB is prescribed for both depression and anxiety, so it can certainly help that. When I'm off it, I get anxious and feel like I can't handle anything, and all of that goes away once I'm back on it.

As far as side effects, I had pretty nasty cotton mouth for about the first month. Also, when I changed to the SR (which is twice a day) I had trouble sleeping if I took the second pill too close to bed time. However, I also got used to that after a few months and it doesn't matter when I take it.

It has helped my concentration a lot as well. But I think that my problems with concentration were a secondary problem due to my depression.

Hope that helps - good luck with the WB. Smiler