I have two experiences with Wellbutrin.
I'll just say, though, that I have never been on it alone, so I probably shouldn't respond to this thread. (But, at first I got more weepy!!! Anxiety disappeared first. Depression much improved around day 20. Only sleeping 2 hours a night for 5 weeks!!

I have always had a mood stabilizer prescribed at the same time, due to the "idea" that I have Bipolar Disorder. Remember, I am diagnosed with PTSD and Personality Disorder NOS and MDD and GAD and who knows....but there is a lot of mental health issues in my mom's family.
Today, my anger is so much lower. I can love my kids again the way I am meant to and want to! I can talk to H more calmly (although PMS last week was still a bit like hell, as the PA reminded me the SSRIs usually work better at helping with PMS symptoms). The jolts in my ears, headaches, hand trembles (and inside jittery-ness) are so annoying!!! And, my anxiety....well, my T said she thought it was GONE very soon after starting on what I started on in January. I did have some wonderful moments of just sitting, feeling safe, in her office serveral weeks ago. I'm not like that anymore....it was one session and the next one might have been sort of okay too and now I'm back to anxiety of life, therapy, relationships, health, ....whatever I can worry about. Recently, I found jigsaw puzzles are the only thing that take away the intrusive thoughts.
I started on the WB XL on Jan 7th. I'm at 450mg right now. I'm still in the adjusting and tweaking and whatever-they-call-it phase to try to make my symptoms go away (depression, anxiety, mood dysregualation and lack of sleep (sleep is better now....finally....after the Depakote got to a more theraputic level). I think they believe I have Bipolar Disorder now because of how I reacted when I started WB, before the Depakote was at theraputic level (I got manic).
I hope Wellbutrin works for you, number9.
(This one is long too, ha)