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Reply to "Questions about Wellbutrin"

Every morning I wake up I almost dread taking this pill because I feel pretty much ok until I take it.

Things are getting better...slight morning headache...I know if I don't stay with the program I would start to become an obsessive thinker early in the morning and would ruin my day. Last two days a moderate pain between my shoulders. As for wine or alcohol I don't know but I believe the paperwork may have warned against it as I rarely have anything like that. Hope I'm not overloading you with info but just keeping you up to date as I go along. I would say that the depression does seem to be gone and the anxiety probably too but using the xanax which I can now use during the day whereas it was an occasional nighttime thing when I was on lexapro. WB seems to take care of more things that have been mentioned than lexapro but it is more difficult with the start up. TTYL.