quote:I'm also curious about whether or not WB contributes to the healing process, just facilitates it, or hinders it (many T's are against drugs)
I think this is why my T "loves" Wellbutrin (but she hasn't said she does, just she gets a happy look on her face when I tell her I am taking it) LOL. Since I've been on it, I have racing thoughts (though the Depakote has finally calmed it, I'm slower thinking and talking in general, but still talk a lot). So, in therapy I talk almost the entire session, sometimes I go off on tangents, things aren't even tied together. I asked her at one point how she felt about the way I talked one of our sessions, because I noticed it was loud and fast and a lot (I said because my H and mom want to shut me up cuz I make them so nervous when I do that). She says, "You have such a hard time expressing yourself, so when you do talk, I'm like, 'Yay, keep going!'."
Being on WB and Depakote are helping my therapy. I see it now. I'm making connections, recognizing patterns, triggers, naming feelings, etc!