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Reply to "Questions about Wellbutrin"

Hi Cat's Meow,
I was in on this thread before. I can relate to the it doing very little nothing with anxiety or emotional states...when triggered in therapy it does nothing for me...I have xanax to counterbalance but when it's that intense even that doesn't do much, and sometimes nothing. I had inquired with my doctor about adding back in a tiny dose of Lexapro but she doesn't like to mix unless necessary...a GP but what she did was up my dose of Welbutrin...that was too much so I self-adjusted but still I'm unsure of how to proceed...pretty calm now but things are going well and I may drive my DR crazy. Let us know how it works out for you as I'd be interested to hear about it all...of course it's different for all people but I'm always searching for others' experiences to see how it might work.

Welbutrin was the most difficult one ever for me to get started on...nausea and irritability were big but it leveled off after two weeks and then by a month it was fine.