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I need any advice or tips on how others who fall into this terrible habit minimize the intensity. I now know where this "reflex" stems from and have gotten better at putting the brakes on it through self-talk. However, when dealing with my family of origin, which is in full swing at the moment, I expect only hatred and unnecessary chaos, which they thrive on. I have to speak to my sister today and my adrenaline is flowing, as I expect the worst. Maybe I am not the helpless child anymore and they cannot kick me around with their veiled anger and sarcasm. I want to be able to hold my ground, but dealing with them is a living nightmare. Any input is appreciated. I am beginning to pracice better self-care, but they have this power to effect me so negatively. I just thought of something.....taking my power back! Those words give me strength. I may have just answered my own question.
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