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I read this and cried for it contains so much stuff I have been trying to communicate with my T lately. While I don't have DID, I do have very strong inner parts who are clashing and have contrary and conflicting words and actions. My T keeps saying "but you said...." and tries to correct me about what I said - but I keep saying 'yes that is true - but that is from xxx part and that is because xxx'. My T just keeps saying that she is confused.

Interesting that her and I talked (disastrously) about love recently and this article speaks a lot about love in the therapeutic relationship.

I find it hard to continue with therapy as I have large gaps of time and days and we usually spend half the first session of the week with me trying to remember what I did over a couple of days. When I am in trauma mode (which is often) I am unable to form memories accurately and this really affects therapy. At the moment our therapy is at a standstill and at crossroads - so hopefully if my T reads this article she will be reminded how I am affected and how hard it is for me.
