And, yes, you can certainly say "I told you so".

Hi Summer, thanks for your comments and I'm glad you find my T's insights helpful. Yes, my T does explain a lot of the process to me but that's because I ask him a million questions and the poor guy has to work really hard to keep up

I did go through similar feelings with oldT when I finally felt as if I was getting some of what I needed or missed out on as a child and it was actually helping me. But then I lost it. It was taken away as if I didn't deserve it and the grief was double.
My T explained that if you were always hungry as a child and then someone came along and fed you and then you were able to develop and then even be able to get food for yourself you would not keep going back to the days when you didn't have food and were hungry. You may remember it now and then but you don't feel that same empty hunger as you did because it has been filled and are no longer deprived. This made me think about it how I will feel in the future once I can accept his nurturing, care and love.