You may have not gone backwards but you are taking a breather from the heavy trauma issues. This is not a bad thing. Sometimes we have to stop and reestablish the feelings of safety and security and trust before venturing onwards. I have had those calm, nothing new being revealed sessions. For me they help to reinforce the relationship so I can eventually move ahead with T.
If you are like me it's your fear and anxiety that drives you into shutting down, or doing things that are not healthy for you to be doing. It's much better to take the chance to change your actions and instead confide in your T about the self-harmful behaviors. She can't help you if she had no idea what you are struggling with. I know it's scary but it's so worth it when they meet you with kindness and you feel cared for and about. It really does change things.
This too will pass, SD. Reach out to your T.