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Reply to "Resolving Impasses in Therapeutic Relationships"

DF... I would say it is written for both because it offers the possibility that the client can go out and seek consultation and bring that back to the therapy to help untangle difficult situations. That it is not unheard of for a third party to work with the therapeutic dyad to find resolution to some issues or discover what is causing a stalemate or problem for both parties.. or even to work out a kind and gentle termination if there is no hope to continue.

I will say that it does go into attachment theory, object relations theory and looks at things from a Freudian, Jungian and Kohutian perspective. What I find the most telling is the thorough case studies that she presents as to things that can and will go wrong in the therapeutic relationship. I can see from one particular case a lot of what went wrong between oldT and me.

Hope that helps. You can read some of the book on google books I think. That may give you a better idea.
