The path to healing is not straight, nor even curvy, it is convoluted with tons of switchbacks, dead ends, steep hills, caves, down hill slopes, rocky patches, sandy patches, and of course many Rivers to cross. You will go up and down, feel better and feel worse, make progress and get stuck. You will want to quit and then you'll feel eternally devoted to your T. You will cry and you will laugh. You will despair but you will also learn and grow and heal. Your T expects all of this to happen. They know that the way through is anything but straight and easy. Hopefully they have been on their own journey in therapy and so they know what it is like to be in your shoes. (I've been dying to ask my T about her therapy experiences and if she ever has to deal with transference.) And they are there with you, along side you, doing what they can to help you take the next step.
Remember that it requires serious courage and strength to go on this journey and if you are feeling overwhelmed and like you want to quit then you have already proven that you have the courage and strength to make it because a lot of people will never even get that far. I see so many people in my life who really need help but sadly they can't even make the phone call that all of you have made (some more than once), and look at you now! You are way past that already!
Yes, it sucks! I know it sucks. I hate that it sucks. But the freedom is worth the price, and you do not have to do it alone!
Ok - I am off my soapbox. Ya'll can tell me to "Shut up already!" At least my posts aren't as long as AG's.