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Reply to "Ridiculous Feelings!"

Kats...I am also nervous about the holidays and not seeing my T for two weeks. The thing I'm holding onto is that he has told me that I can email him and if I really need it ... he can schedule a telephone session. I doubt I would ask him to do that but it's nice to know the offer is out there. I will probably email him or if things get difficult I may call just for that minute of contact that has an amazing calming effect on me.

As for not going too deep too soon... I think this is a wise choice. You will know when you are ready to talk about certain things. And my T always reminds me that there is no time limit or schedule to this and if I'm not ready to handle either re-experiencing things and/or the emotions that come with it then I should take my time. And therapy is certainly not a linear process. You will wander all over the place, go up and down and all around with your thoughts, memories, emotions and feelings.

So take your time to strengthen your base foundation. It's all about trust, safety and attunement for me. If I don't feel that in a session I will not be able to "go deep". Lately, I've been struggling with my backing away from some hard stuff with my T and we have been working on this. I have done some reading and kind of figured out what I've been doing. My foundation while pretty developed right now can shake and crack at times and I've been in therapy for just under a year now. My T is really starting to understand why I back away and he gives me space and constant reassurance which seems to work because the next time we meet I am able to really have meaningful discussion with him.

So hang in there and keep posting... it will help you get through not seeing your T for a few weeks. I will be around through the holidays if you need to chat. Be good to yourself.
