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Reply to "seeking saftey"

Hey welcome back Dude. Well yes, you bet I go to therapy. I'm trying to make it a big point on the site...everybody has their stuff and that includes me.

I feel every therapist should go to therapy. If they really believe in the power of it, I can't see why they wouldn't.

And, for me personally I know that one of the fastest ways to have greater consciousness, is through an experience with another person. I feel so much more conscious these days compared to even a couple years ago. I just want more of it.

I believe, my nervous system is benefiting from the nervous system of my therapist. I wrote a bit about it in the Holistic Psychoherapy and Neurobiology. This is also why you need a grounded therapist.

So this is one of the major reasons I go...I become more conscious and I can manage my activation better.

Thanks for asking aobut SRT. Self-Regulation Therapy is a body-based therapy. So as I was saying earlier, my T will have me pause and check into my body sensations. Can't say enough about it and I love to talk about.

Take care,
