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Reply to "seeking saftey"

Butterfly Warrior & Shrinklady:

I too have a "stuffie"....Buddy is his name and he has a velcro opening where I have stored some of my mothers cremains (ashes)....Sorry if that sounds gross.....Since I had never quite bonded/connected with my mother while she was alive, I thought this might be a way of finding a spiritual(or whatever term may apply here) connection through placing her in my teddy that accompany's and comforts me in those moments that I am in need of comfort, support or simply someone to tell my troubles to....He/She/They listens really well, never interupts and seems to love me unconditionally (LOL).....and have never betrayed me, not even once......

Still recovering from my visit to New York....
ps...Have found my "Waking the Tiger" book...and have started reading the intro....