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Reply to "seeking saftey"


Thanks again for your kind concern. Smiler

I'm not a fan of telephone counseling at all. That visual effect is REALLY needed. I guess if I were blind, it would be diffferent but since Im not, it drives me up the wall. I just can't feel comfortable. I'm glad to have the contact though so it's better than nothing at all!!!

I did get to see her today.. or make that yesterday actually and about 2 weeks ago, a friend took me by car which was really nice. Yesterday, we acclomplished a whole lot in person and I have to say, I was really nervous seeing her because it has been so long since I have been IN the office!!! How odd!! I guess I'm a real stickler to my safe space thing.

My depression is just horrible and I have been aware of it though in denial of just how debilitating it has been and I think that has been brought to my attention so back to the baby steps of behavioral activation. I do like this approach in CBT but than I get frustrated because I have the totally high expectations type A personality hard core need to achieve way more than my mood is ready to handle so than I'm like... oh... i can't do these baby steps, this is DUMB... So I did bring that up to her and she pointed me back to one of my favotite books "Full Catastrophe Living" ... mindfulness type approach about trying to reserve/hold back judgement/critisism... so that's a good reminder.. I need to find this book.. it's in my book shelf some place.

I looked up somatic expereincing therapist the other day and there is one near me that seems to have extensive expereince. Not only as a SE therapist but also in EMDR too. She sounds perfect for the trauma work I need but I don't have any financial assistance right now nor insurance so that wouldnt work however I was just happy to see that someone was so near to me. I'm tempted to email her just to find out more about her work, approach type thing.

In terms of managing your Boards.... it's amazing that you do this. I have tried to manage a forum within something like Livejournal and it was rather overwhelming for me!!! I'm sure you will get the hang of it all soon. Smiler

Next week I have another session and than it's christmas/new years.. so won't see her again until Jan. She said she doesn't like being gone so long which I guess is nice that she cares but it makes me feel weird when she says that.. not sure why.. guess im weird.. lol.
