I quite enjoy hearing your comments about SE. I'm so grateful for somatic therapy. Still got a ways to go...my body still creeks when I move. I still get headaches. I need to show up much more. But all of this is improving.
Actually, I've learned that the recent tightness in my body is actually the dissociation lifting...so even though it feels worse, I'm feeling more. This is one of the connundrums of progress in therapy...sometimes, you feel worse...in the same way as one would coming out of freeze. However, the other side of it...I feel as if I have movement...so I really resonate with your concerns over feeling stuck.
Somatic work is such a fundamental shift from where the field of psychotherapy is currently. I think that unless a therapist really experiences its benefits, it just seems like another tool to them.
I also think us therapists need to be more public...to remove some of the mystery around going to therapy. Course, this requires that we "show up" and probably in a way we didn't sign up for when we decided to be therapists. I had a lot of ambivalence about being on this board at the beginning...still do to some extent. I haven't seen too many models out there to follow so I'm sort of breaking new ground. The hard part is knowing what boundaries I need to attend to. It's sometimes fuzzy...no clear answers.
As a group, us therapists have been terrible at promoting the benefits of psychotherapy. I think we need to make it public that therapists see therapists, that counseling is valued among us and it can benefit us all. The line between the therapist and the client isn't as divided as many people think. In other words, therapists have their stuff too. If we stepped forward more about this, maybe it wouldn't be so stigmatizing to people to seek therapy.
It was working somatically that I came to understand that all these divisions around different disorders are not as neatly delineated as we think. By the way have you read Bob Scaer's work, The Body Bears the Burden or the Trauma Spectrum? I think you'd enjoy his work. Talked about him in the human nervous system articles.
Good chatting with you,
P.S. Dude, a hobby is a great idea. Helped me out of depression years ago...I got into design and feng shui. At the time, I was living in a 16 foot ceiling condo. It was awesome fun.