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Reply to "seeking saftey"


Thanks for your responses, etc Smiler I was just in a mood.. lol..... they tend to capture me at times... LOL.

Aww.. yes.. Hebb.... didn't rememeber the name but now it' slike YES, lol. Strange how those things come back. I went to UCSD (University of California, San Diego)- a very very VERY research oriented university and as a result my foundation in psych and human development is based primarily, strictly in research. In some ways this has been cool and I have learned a lot but on other way's it's confining because these types of programs try to create comformity to the point that anything 'not validiated' by research is not valid.. like... play or art therapy.

Behavioral Activation is a newer form of CBT that doesn't focus so much on you're thoughts and changing them but more on the actions. Most people who are depressed don't feel liek doing this or that so BA says well you need to do this and that.. lol.. but in small steps so that the person isn't overwhelmed. THe more a person accomplishes these steps. the greater 'mastery' is felt over them therfore helping boost their mood. So it's working on activation of behavior... working right on those things you litteraly do to help alter mood. It's fast and concrete and is something someone can think to do even without the help of a therapist once they are used to doing them. I guess this is a really lame explantion of it but thats my interpretation of it.. lol. It has shown a lot of validity, test-retest relibility and all of that in both inpatient and outpatient settings. I have to say that I do like it while I fight the 'baby step thing as I call it because of my Type A personaility, I have to say that when I find myself stoping and reducing activities, I will think.. well I Know I need to start an activity and start putting pleasureable things in my life (ie. going out to eat with a friend this week or going to the library to check out a book)... so it's an immediate reward... Smiler

If i have the chance and find a good article on it, i will post it in the science and psych section.

So more tension is good? Smiler That's really nice to realize that you have more feeling and awarenes salthough on the other hand, it can seem/feel rather negative and aversive. I had an expereince like that where my psychiatrist really offended me and I cried (something i DON't Do in front of others) and my therapists reaction was "oh good, that means you're starting to feel your emotions more".. i was so taken aback like gee thanks a lot!

I do think that a lot of people don't go to therapy ot don't end up liking it, etc is because they feel their therapist is perfect or unreal. I know for some clients, they dont want to know their therapist is really human.. lol.. but I know for me personaly... my last therapist esp... Holly was very real with me and shared parts of herself with me and it truly helped me in many ways. I miss her for that alone but also so much more. My current therapist isn't so much like that. She isn't closed off but she is pretty much like there for me.. I feel that... I know she cares. she makes that very obvious but like i feel like I don't really know anything about her.

That book by Bob Scaer sounds really interesting. I haven't read it but I will ladd it to my list of books to look into.

No, I didn't email the SE therapist in my area. Still thinking about it. I don't think it would hurt to but I have been lame about getting things done lately and so sensitive to stuff that I guess I don't feel like taking any risks that might end up bringing me stress.

It's just been a hard week for me mood wise... I'm quite tired and can't seem to beat this intensive sleepiness I have. I slept from noon to near 11pm today and I've been doing that quite a bit. I know my sleep schedule is reversed but just the same, that is A LOT of hours and if i get up before then.. I'm just sleepy as heck and feel so tired, it's of no use to fight it.. than I think.. who cares. just go to sleep.. lol....

and than life goes on...