Thank-you for your comments. Yeah, it is so hard to describe some of the concepts...I was really glad to read what you had to say, to know that the ideas are resonating with some people. And, I'm so glad you mentioned the idea of "experience". That's what it's really about.
I was laughing with my therapist yesterday on this topic and the topic of trust. I spend a lot of time just sitting with my therapist these days letting my body learn to trust another human being. I don't need to say too much. I'll talk about something and then after a few minutes, I'll process it at a somatic level. This takes much longer, so I end up just being with her not saying too much other than I feel this sensation or that sensation. We were laughing just to imagine a whole case load of clients like this.
Therapy would be a hecka of a lot easier for therapists and clients. But peoople would need to understand why this was actually doing something.
Something to think about, eh?
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