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Reply to "seeking saftey"

I can definitely relate to needing a lot of safe touch. That fits with what we were talking about earlier, that its not just understanding but having new experiences that actually changes you. Glad you have a T who gets that. BTW, I've really enjoyed reading your posts on the forum, I really appreciate your willingness to be so open about the littles. Having done work to recover small parts of myself that got left behind gives me an immense amount of respect for all that you're handling. And with a sense of humor! Big Grin
I had a therapy session this morning and did something I've never done. I was feeling really scared all the way there (ok, starting the night before : ) ) because I was uncomfortable about the stuff I needed to talk to my T about. I walked in, sat down, and said I just wanted to sit for a few minutes until I realized I was safe. My T asked how it felt being so open about how I felt and I realized that it felt really good. The level of safety I have with him still feels really strange as I've never had that with a man before. Pretty cool and provides a sense of progress. Did I mention I babble? : )

Last edited by Attachment Girl