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Self-Regulation (or lack there of)...

By the nature of things, I think a lot of us here have some emotional regulation issues. But I also have very poor self regulation in every day life. I am very inconsistent and unstable; often feel like I can't manage simple things as well as I can more important issues in life. I have to set reminders in my phone to prompt me to change the kitty litter and do laundry, and just don't seem to be able to manage anything that requires some sort of regular upkeep! Does anyone else have this problem? I would really appreciate some input here, because to my husband it looks like I am being lazy, but I know there is much more than that (he is very patient with me, but gets frustrated at times).

FYI: My T says I'm rebelling. See, what's so confusing about all of this is that when I was growing up, I lived in survival mode and took care of everyone and everything. But now, I feel like I was more capable as a child than I am as an adult. My T says that I am trying to sort out what I am doing and why I am doing it; rebelling if it's something I feel I "should" do or if it is something I used to have to do begrudgingly. She says as I sort through stuff, with her and on my own, I will be able to do these types of things without so much effort and resistance.

Regardless, it sucks to be married, in college, working full time and for some reason unable to perform regular self-maintenance and daily chores! Ugh, sometimes I feel like a teenager in an adult life!

Thanks. -CT
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