I am finding it hard to do the everyday things too. I've set the alarm on my computer at work to go off every hour so if I get sidetracked by my thoughts, it will bring me back to my task at hand.
I have to force myself to do one load of laundry a day. Usually I end up doing it as late as possible and still get to bed on time. And things like keeping my car or desk clean, it just isn't happening.
Your T could be right about rebelling. Since most of my early years were spent with my mom, who had schizophrenia, we took care of ourselves and the house. When we were moved to my grandma's, she forced us to do everything to keep the house up, except the cooking.
As an adult, I find the last thing I do is housecleaning - I come up with all kinds of creative ways to avoid it. And when I'm doing it, I'm not too happy about it. It's gotten even harder lately, since starting all this therapy. I'm not sure if it's emotional exhaustion or rebellion, but it is definitely a problem I'm trying to find an answer to.