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Reply to "Self-Regulation (or lack there of)..."

Hi Helle! Nice to meet you! I'm so glad you posted! It takes a lot of courage to jump in here and I'm so glad you did!

I have so much churning my insides, that it leaves little energy to get the little things done.

I think you said that perfectly! It's so true... processing/working through everything IS work but it just doesn't feel that way sometimes... it's hard to measure and even harder to be satisfied with on a daily basis.

I had taken a break from therapy- just went back yesterday

CONGRATULATIONS!!- I think... Big Grin Therapy is such a mixed bag of struggle and success and PAIN and love that I never quite know what to say... hmm... how about I'm glad you are in a place where working on you is feasible and that you have the strength to do it!

Be gentle on yourself.

You too... in fact, I hope WE ALL can do that.

And WAI:

I like your T's take on it. . .I actually needed to hear that today.

Keep reading it if you need to! Wink Do what you can... two steps forward and 5057340963845 steps back is STILL progress!
