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Shall we engage?

Hi, and thanks for a really thought-provoking, thoughtful, and insightful forum! I’m two years into therapy with a psychoanalytically trained T who’s been perfect in so many ways that I feel sure I’m wrong to be bothered by this. Your thoughts, please?

What I’m struggling with is that I sometimes feel T doesn’t engage with me emotionally, particularly when I’m feeling good. He’s rock steady when it comes to providing a supportive and comfortable environment, and he usually says the right words. (Words are critical because I’m on the couch and I can’t see his facial expressions.) He’s shown his constancy and support through many actions. But he doesn’t get HAPPY with me! Couldn’t he please praise me when I come to an insight that I think is, well, insightful – or encourage me when I’m expressing the ways that I’ve made progress? Or say “NOW is when I want to hug you, even if I don’t actually do it”? Instead, he usually remains silent, even though he can be quite talky when I’m exploring difficult stuff.

I’m reminded of one of AG’s blog posts where she finally got the nerve to ask BN whether he was proud of her for something she had done. She wrote (forgive my paraphrasing): “BN went right past my question to what I was really asking [which was] “Am I ok now?” That he thought the reason I was asking was because I was recognizing my progress and wanted to see if I was good enough now….So he said that if he told me yes, then it would imply that there was a time when I wasn’t ok and he didn’t find me acceptable. He told me that of course he was proud of me, he always had been. That of course he was happy to hear of my accomplishment, it was life spreading life, how could he not be happy about that? But whether I came in with something wonderful to share or sat across from him sobbing … how he felt about me did NOT change….”

That makes so much sense but…still… wouldn’t it be a good thing if, just sometimes, T said some words that would be the verbal equivalent of “beaming”? I feel let down every time an opportunity goes by, untaken.
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