I am with HB and hope you will work through these hard feelings with your new T and that you always have a place here to come as often as you want.
As tremendousky difficult as this MUST be for you I am glad that your T's will overlap each other that way. It warms my heart and chokes me up to know that your T showed such genuine emotionns for you too. How nice that she is also offering you contact and opportunities to catch up in the future. That way I hope it doesn't feel so much like a loss, but a shift. Still painful though because I know you want her as your T and you will be able to grieve that safely. She will always be a part of you with a tangible connection for you to draw from. Right now I know you are more occupied with the pain and grief to focus on anything positive coming from this, but I hope you are able to feel her love and care in that way too.
Hnag in there. You'll get through this.