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Reply to "Sleeping"

Hey Wynne,
I do have those nights that I wake up in the same position I fell asleep in and the feeling I got run over by a truck.

I was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia several years ago and one of the things I learned is that when we don't get enough restorative sleep our muscles do not get an opportunity to regenerate and they can feel overworked all the time, even upon waking in the morning. And I don't have to tell you about stress, but it becomes part of a vicious cycle that takes place, increased stress, decreased sleep, which increases even more stress, which interferes with restorative sleep, which leads to sore muscles etc, and so forth... With increased stress our body releases increased amounts of cortisol which causes muscle tightness. It's like watching the spokes on a wheel spinning around and around. This is a good indication, and you can tell me "DUH" if you want to, Smiler that you need to find some relaxation therapy, or soothing techniques, or safe space imagery to give your nervous system a well needed break. I know that processing frightening events will also cause you a lot of emotional _and_ physical stress.

There are also gentle stretching techniques I find very helpful and lots of hot baths soaking in my lavendar bath salts. <- my favorite. Smiler

Oh and one more thing my Homepathic Practitioner suggested just today; Fill a white cotton tube sock with plain, uncooked rice and Epsom salts and tie a knot at the end, microwave for approximately 2 minutes and lay it against a sore part of your body. The rice provides a moist heat to relax your muscles and your body absorbs the magnesium from the epsom salts which soothes the muscles and bones. You can reuse this sock as often and for as long as it lasts. Just be careful not to overheat and burn the rice or your skin.

I am sorry for your pain. I hope this helps.