quote:Originally posted by Wynne:
So... I imagine everybody has times that they go to sleep and wake up tired. Do you ever, say, wake up and feel like a truck just hit you, or somethin'?
I've been having these nights where it's not like the usual nightmares, where I'm just scared when I wake up. I can't remember what I dreamed out, I haven't moved at _all_, and my muscles feel like every single one of them was clenched tight the entire night. I can barely get out of bed in the morning.
...so....like that? ever?
I haven't experienced exactly what you describe, but I honestly haven't slept well for a really really long time, so most mornings I wake up feeling fatigued. A lot of mornings I wake up with a back ache. The strangest thing is that a few mornings since starting therapy, I've woken feeling like I was out till 4am drinking when I haven't touched alcohol. It seriously feels like a major hangover. I think it's all some kind of physiological response to the emotional stuff that our unconscious shows up when we're asleep.