quote:Originally posted by Wynne:
So... I imagine everybody has times that they go to sleep and wake up tired. Do you ever, say, wake up and feel like a truck just hit you, or somethin'?
Hi Wynne...
I thought this was a "normal" feeling? NO? hmmmm....
Anyway...kidding aside. I have a sleep disorder...(lol...that is when I do sleep.) Anyway...in talking to the Dr. about sleep disorders he told me that nearly everyone goes through an entire cycle every 90 minutes. That is...all the normal sleep stages. So...he told me to make sure I sleep in increments of 90 minutes. Which means...if you normally get 8 hours of sleep...take it up to 9...or down to 7.5....even 6 hours will leave you more rested than if you wake up in the middle of a cycle.
What I am saying here is this. If you have to wake up to an alarm...make sure you go to bed at a time that will give you a better shot at waking up at the end of a cycle. Say...9 hours before your alarm is set to go off.
This also holds true for naps. Always take a 90 minute nap. An hour won't do it. 3 hours is a perfect nap...it's the only way I am surviving right now.
I hope you have a better night. If you need hypnotic sleeping music...I can HIGHLY recommend "Structures from Silence" by Steve Roach. The track is 30 minutes long and if you set your player to repeat it will run all night. It works for everyone I've ever suggested it to. Well worth the one dollar download.