Congrats on your first post and welcome to the forum!
Some T's don't deal with transference/counter-transference issues very well. Some don't deal with them at all. Some react quite strongly to the terminology, as if we are not "supposed" to know any of it, or that it is some "secret magic trick" and they are the only ones that are allowed to know about it.
I don't know how long you have been in therapy...but going on what you have described I think it would be wise to take it slowly and see where you get. An erotic transference may be only a small part of what you are feeling. It is usually the first one that most people identify....and for some therapists (that can't handle it) it may be reason to refer you to someone else.
I do not say this to frighten you...only to make you aware that this is sometimes true. It depends on how your T works....or is able to work on his own "stuff".
Hang in there...I'm sure you will get more, and likely, better responses than I can give you. Read Attachment Girls posts...she is pretty good with this topic.