quote:Some T's don't deal with transference/counter-transference issues very well. Some don't deal with them at all. Some react quite strongly to the terminology, as if we are not "supposed" to know any of it, or that it is some "secret magic trick" and they are the only ones that are allowed to know about it.
SD - This was my P exactly. She wanted to know right away where I came up with the term 'transference' and she was a little annoyed that I'm not trusting her to help me, by trying to help myself.
Flicka, my telling my P about my feelings for her didn't go very well in my opinion and I've been afraid to delve into it further with her for fear of rejection as well as feeling like she may 'fire' me as a patient if it bothers her. There;s no counter-T between us so that makes things a little different for me - maybe easier, maybe harder.
Everyone, even ShrinkLady will tell you that this is something you need to talk about inorder to work through it. I say .. wait until you feel like YOU are ready to take it on, don't base it on what others think. The insight and experiences here are incredible and helped me to make my decision to talk about it. In hindsight .. I should have waited and concentrated on other personal issues before tackling the transference. Now I'm looking for a T to help me deal with the feelings I have for my P so that I can continue my work with her.
Anyway, my point is don't rush into it. Get some thoughts from others here and then sit on it and think about how and when you want to tackle it. It might be a really good thing for you to deal with, and then it might make things tougher.
I think that since telling my P, I have had stronger feelings towards her, knowing that she knows has made me feel like it's okay to feel like this now. But it makes my life hell knowing that I can't talk about it right now, and that she would never be able to return what I feel.
WAH .. sorry if that didn't help. It didn't help me either to comment cuz now I'm thinking about it! LOL