Are you saying you actually want something physical to happen with your T, or that you are having those feelings and want to talk about them? There's a big difference.
And for some T's, there is a huge risk (professionally) to continue seeing a client they know has sexual feelings for him/her. I am pretty sure they actually aren't supposed to once it has been disclosed. It could make things a lot worse for you to keep seeing him, knowing nothing can happen, pouring your heart out and always wanting more.
You said you asked your T and he said he didn't have those feelings for you. Maybe he doesn't. And if he does he will probably never admit it. I am sure he knows how you feel if you have asked him that. What do you want to happen?
i hope this doesn't sound harsh, i certainly don't mean it to, but it is a risky subject, and no one wants to see you get hurt. So that's why you need to ask what you want to happen? Then you can figure out what to do.